
The Unified School District welcomes around 10,000 students through our doors every school day. We understand how important public schools are to the vitality and economic growth of our community. As a district, we have a responsibility to graduate students who are ready to contribute to our local economy as well as the world beyond.

With a premier workforce and the support of our community, we are prepared to accelerate educational outcomes in rural America. Our new strategic plan creates a path of equitable opportunities to improve the experience and performance of all our students. A focus on strengthened core instruction and expanded programs will improve academic achievement. Our revitalization plan will provide safe and modern schools. An emphasis on the whole child will develop well-rounded graduates who are ready for life beyond graduation.

When our students graduate, they face a world that requires navigation of evolving careers and technology. To ensure our graduates have a competitive advantage in the future, our actions must be strategic and bold. Our school district will continue to impact the lives of our students and the economic health of our community throughout implementation of our new plan.

The Unified School District is shaping the future and that future is in our classrooms.



The mission of the Unified School District is to ensure that all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to be productive citizens.

Our Vision

Our Vision

To be an exemplary leading organization focused on collaboration, innovation, and continuous growth for all

Our Values

Inclusivity and Belonging

Inclusivity and Belonging

Community Well-being

Community Well-being

Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

Student Centered

Student Centered

Personal Excellence

Personal Excellence

Innovative Learning

Innovative Learning

Civic and Global Responsibility

Civic and Global Responsibility

We will

We will
We believe



Student Achievement

Teacher Retention

Chronic Absenteeism

School Incidents

Out‐of‐school suspension

Discipline Referrals

Attendance Rates


  1. Graduation
  2. Innovation for College, Careers and Citizenship
  3. Conditions for Learning
  4. Family, Business and Community Partners
  5. Human Capital Management
  6. Technology Innovation
  7. Fiscal Responsibility and Operations


Unified School District will prepare and support all Early Childhood Program and PreK through Grade 12 students to graduate with their age‐appropriate cohort.

Performance Objective

Increase the graduation rate of all subgroups to 95% as measured annually by the Federal Uniform Rate (FUR)**.

**FUR Non‐Grads: Certificates of Completion, Dropouts, 5th year Graduates, Transfers to Adult Education who are not standard diploma recipients, GED Students, Special Diploma Students are all counted as non‐graduates.

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Monitor annually the graduation rate of all subgroups as specified in USD School‐wide Improvement Plans.
  2. Monitor annually the number and percentage of
    1. Elementary school students who complete elementary school in six (6) years, and
    2. Middle school students who complete middle school in three (3) years and earn a GPA of 2.0+.
  3. Monitor annually the number and percentage of PreK students who participated in an USD PreK program and who are promoted to Grade 1 after one year of Kindergarten.
  4. Monitor annually the number and percentage of students whose parents self‐ report no PreK experience and who are promoted to Grade 1 after one year of Kindergarten.
  5. Monitor annually the number and percentage of students promoted to Grade 4 on time after one year of Grade 3.


Consistent with our commitment to the availability of highly engaging and workforce‐relevant educational pathways (ePathways) for all students, Unified School District will continue to develop and implement innovations that enhance student readiness for college, careers and citizenship while also sustaining our reputation as a Premier National School District.

Performance Objective

Annually increase programs and opportunities that allow students to identify their educational pathway and develop the skills identified in the ePathways Skills for Future Ready Graduates model..

Key Performance Indicators


  1. Annually increase the number of digital tool certificates earned by elementary school students by 5%.
  2. Annually increase the percentage of 5th grade students who successfully complete a culminating experience in computer science.
  3. Annually increase the number of elementary school student interactions with physics curriculum via an USD Physics Bus


  1. Annually increase the number of digital tool certificates earned by middle school students by 5%.
  2. Annually increase the number of middle school students who participate in a course that incorporates physics curriculum.


  1. Annually increase the number of industry certifications earned in high school by 5%.
  2. Annually increase the number of students at each school who enroll in computer science courses, to include AP Computer Science A, AP Computer Science Principles, or CTE Computer Science.
  3. Annually increase the number of USD seniors whose families complete the FAFSA by 5%.
  4. Annually increase the percentage of students at each high school who complete an annual college/career planning conference with their school counselor including an update of the student’s Career & Academic Plan.
  5. Annually increase the percentage of high school graduates who earn the Florida Seal of Biliteracy.


Unified School District is an academic institution comprised of students who succeed when conditions for learning are optimized. The district has identified the conditions for learning as physical safety, student wellness, attendance, teacher‐student relationships, social‐emotional learning and student conduct. System focus on continuous improvement of these conditions will benefit student learning and therefore, graduation (System Initiative A), student achievement (System Initiative B), and college, career, and citizenship readiness (System Initiative C).

Performance Objective

A positive school culture and climate will assist students in optimizing their learning. Seminole Unified School District will monitor the aggregate score on the 5Essentials Survey for Supportive Environments in schools.

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Monitor the results of the USD School Safety Survey. (Baseline 2019‐20).
  2. Monitor quarterly the chronic absenteeism (10 or more days absent) of students. (Baseline 2017‐18)
  3. Increase by two (2) percent, the aggregate score of all schools on the learning conditions of student‐teacher relationships and academic personalism as measured by the 5 Essentials Survey. (Baseline 2017‐18)
  4. Monitor quarterly suspension (in‐school and out‐of‐school) data for all subgroups. (Baseline 2017‐18)


Unified School District will engage families, businesses and the broader community in the educational process to create meaningful learning partnerships that support student success as related to academic achievement, as well as preparation for college, career and citizenship.

Performance Objective 1. Cultivate Relationships with Families.

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Increase the number of parents/family members who visit the district’s two family engagement locations – the ESOL/Title III Family Connection Center (Rinehart Annex) and the Title I Family Resource Center (Early Learning Center). (Baseline 2018‐19)
  2. Increase the percentage of parents/family members served by the district’s Education Experience Specialists who report that, as a result of participating in this program, they are better able to communicate with their student’s teacher and school, and have a better understanding of the programs available to their student in SCPS. (Baseline 2018‐19)

Performance Objective 2. Engage Families to Improve Learning Outcomes.

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Improve parent/family involvement in the decision‐making process, as measured by representation of parent and/or family members on various district and school committees. (Baseline, 2018‐19)
  2. Increase annually the number and comprehensive school representation of parents/family members who attend the District Parent Academy sessions. (Baseline, 2018‐19)

Performance Objective 3. Collaboration with the Community and Volunteer Opportunities.

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Increase annually the number of volunteers who serve on school campuses.
  2. Increase annually the number of partnerships with community organizations aligned to district strategic initiatives.


Unified School District will build a highly effective, performance‐based organization by recruiting, acquiring, motivating, training and rewarding a high performing workforce.

Performance Objective

Unified School District will build and maintain a more diverse and healthy workforce representative of our student population and retain a highly developed and skilled teaching force that is present and engaged with students, increasing our recruitment of minority instructional personnel, developing instructional and administrative leadership capacity, and creating a district‐ wide culture of health and wellness.

Key Performance Indicators

    1. Annually, improve by 10% the 1‐year teacher retention rate when comparing the percentage of teachers who were hired in a school year who are still active at the completion of the successive school year.
    2. Annually improve by 10% the 5‐year teacher retention rate when comparing the percentage of teachers who were hired in a school year who are still active at the conclusion of the fifth successive school year.
    1. Annually increase by 10% the number of minority teacher applicants for the school year
    2. Annually increase by 10% the number of minority school‐based administrator applicants for the school year.
    1. Annually increase by 10% the number of minority teacher applicants hired for the school year.
    2. Annually increase by 10% the number of minority school‐based administrator applicants hired for the school year.
    1. Establish a baseline for the number of professional development recertification points awarded to instructional personnel who engage in high‐quality professional learning aligned to individual and organizational needs.
    2. Establish a baseline for the number of professional development recertification points awarded to administrative personnel who engage in high‐quality professional learning aligned to individual and organizational needs.
  1. Annually, decrease by 10% the aggregate number of student attendance days that classroom teachers are absent from their classrooms.
  2. Annually increase by 10% the number of participants in the School Board insurance program who meet the Wellness Incentives.


Unified School District will provide a reliable, technology‐rich environment that supports learning, creativity, and productivity.

Performance Objective 1

USD will provide sufficient infrastructure to support teaching, learning, and operational aspects necessary within a future ready public school district.

Key Performance Indicators

    1. Cloud application and file resources will be available 24x7x365 to all student and staff learners
    2. Upgrade network from 10Gbps to 40Gbps by the start of the 2024‐25 school year to support growing bandwidth needs.
    3. Improve cybersecurity posture by the end of the 2022‐23 school year through deployment of SIEM, MFA, NAC, and purple team assessments.

Performance Objective 2

USD will provide and support technology devices as tools that enhance the learning of all students and maximize the efficiency and productivity of its employees.

Key Performance Indicators

    1. Given sufficient funding, the modern student‐to‐computer ratio will be adjusted to 2:1 and all schools will meet the adjusted ratio by the end of the 2021‐22 academic year.

Performance Objective 3

USD will plan for, deliver, and support applications embedded within teaching and learning as well as the operational spaces of a high performing public school district.

Key Performance Indicators

    1. Annually provide all students with the district’s current enterprise communication and collaboration toolsets, such as Microsoft® Office 365.
    2. Design, develop, and deliver training annually on feature sets provided within the instructional applications.


Unified School District will strive to ensure that financial and operating resources are optimally utilized to serve each student in a safe, healthy and secure environment.

Performance Objective 1

Maximize resources available to fund students, teachers, and their learning environments, by expanding available unrestricted funding sources.

Key Performance Indicator: Increase recurring available revenue and funding.

    1. 2021‐2022 Goal‐ Secure and manage new funding sources to alleviate financial burden related to the Pandemic.

Performance Objective 2

Consistent operational procedures and practices will be established and refined to focus on retention of asset value and asset adequacy to support school innovation and student achievement

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Decrease average number of days required for Work Order completion by 5% annually.
  2. Improve, refine, and enhance the school‐based administrator training program for the Quality of Service Instruments to establish trending of key quality indicators focused on school custodial resources related to industry standards.
  3. Reduce transportation fleet age by 5% annually through reinvestment and reduce fleet maintenance expenditures by 2% annually.
  4. Reduce the Maintenance white fleet age by 5% annually through reinvestment and reduce fleet maintenance expenditures by 2% annually.
  5. Develop a districtwide energy strategy which focuses on consumption of resources (water, electricity, gas) and generation of by‐products (CO2, Greenhouse Gas) which will reduce utility expenditures by 5% annually.
  6. Develop training programs focused on both students & school staff to identify key programs/actions designed to conserve resources and promote positive energy saving behaviors.

Performance Objective 3

Critical factors that contribute to safe, healthy and secure learning and work environments will be consistently improved in order to provide optimal conditions for students and staff.

Key Performance Indicators

  1. Increase training program opportunities for operational staff and establish annual staff progression plans ‐ Leadership, OSHA, Equipment, & Materials.
  2. Refine and update developed campus security analysis and priorities.
  3. Increase distance between preventable accidents for Transportation fleet by 5% annually.
  4. Implement and upgrade technology in Transportation fleet (GPS & video) by 10% annually.

Key Performance Indicators

We will monitor progress through the following measures of success and will utilize a continuous improvement cycle to inform our actions. Baseline 2020 - 2025 Target
Priority 1: Student Success

Student Academic Performance

Strong, rigorous, standards‐based instruction with appropriate opportunities for support and enrichment for all students.

Proficient in English language arts*

Gap (in percentage points)




  • Increase student achievement in English language arts, mathematics, and science

Grade 3 reading performance



  • Decrease student proficiency gaps in English language arts, mathematics, and science

Proficient in mathematics*

Gap (in percentage points)




  • Increase access and equity to rigorous curriculum and instruction for all students

Proficient in science*

Gap (in percentage points)




  • Ensure students and staff are safe and engaged at schoo

4‐year graduation rate

Gap (in percentage points)




*Across all assessed grades
Priority 2: Teachers, Principals, Staff

Educator Recruitment, Support, and Effectiveness

Education is a people business, and the quality of teachers, principals, staff, and resources available to them has a direct impact on student results.
  • Ensure all students have access to highly effective teachers, principals, and school staff

Classrooms served by licensed teachers



Priority 3: Balanced Governance and Leadership

Communication and Collaboration

Governance and leadership must allow for the work of education to be completed with fidelity and with the support of the communities we serve.
  • Enhance USD’s Governance and Leadership structures to reflect the needs of the community

Schools rated 3 stars or higher



Priority 4: Sound Fiscal Management

Financial and Operational Stability

Financial stability and operational efficiencies will drive funds into classrooms and ensure schools and educators have materials to achieve all goals.
  • Improve quality, communication, and understanding of district financial information
  • Improve financial equity and stability and ensure regulatory compliance with finance and budget related requirements
  • Ensure operational effectiveness and efficiency of school and district facilities and operational resources
  • Reduce the general fund impact caused by safety concerns resulting in injury or damage

Implementation of a district weighted student funding formula



Priority 5: Parent and Community Support

Perception of the District

Partnering and communicating with parents and community members is imperative to connecting home, school, and community. We must engage our partners to ensure all of our efforts and resources are focused on increasing student outcomes
  • Leverage internal resources to help parents/guardians support student achievement and attendance
  • Secure strategic external resources and community partners
  • Improve trust in and perception of the District

Parents and staff perceive the District as transparent and open




USD is funded through a combination of local, state, federal, and other sources. USD uses fund accounting to ensure and to demonstrate compliance with government accounting and legal requirements.

The General Fund combined with the Special Education Fund is known as the General Operating Fund. Although they are required to be reported separately for external purposes, they are generally combined for budgeting a and funding purposes.

General Operating Fund

(Includes Special Education Fund)


FY21 Actual Revenues

(in thousands)

General Operating Fund

General Operating Fund

(Includes Special Education Fund)


FY21 Actual Expenditures

(in thousands)

General Operating Fund